Saturday, February 25, 2012

Go Walking Dead!

A little bit of old news but I just read it recently. Walking Dead pulled in great ratings for the mid-season premiere against the Grammys.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Taco Thursday

Yeah, this week's comic was a little week sauce. 
Hopefully you guys will excuse it because I'm working on some (hopefully) big things for Zombie Repellent. 
The comic should be getting a nice face lift in the near future. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

In The Works...

IMAG0028 by jpjart
IMAG0028, a photo by jpjart on Flickr.

No comic this week but I uploaded a bunch of sketches on Flickr to show some upcoming characters to the comic.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Walking Dead video game!

First images of The Walking Dead video game has been released. The game is being made by Telltale Games (makers of the...uh..."classic" CSI games). Check out a video on the making of the game at!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Die, Osama! AGAIN!

That looks all kinda of 10 shades of awesome! We need more zombie movies. 
What the hell is taking so long with getting another Zombieland out? You know, the most successful zombie movie that has ever come out?